Saturday, December 30, 2006

Winds Calm

Nice beautiful day to fly, even if it was hazy.. We showed up early, my niece and I. I started preflighting the plane, turned on the master switch and hit the switch to lower the flaps. They wouldn't go down. I tried again, with no luck. I checked the fuse panel to make sure there was no popped ones and there weren't. So we went back in to tell Heather about it and she got a mechanic to look at it, fix it and I finished the preflight. In the meantime, my niece decided to not go up with me so Heather and I went up. Because of the late start, we stuck around Pontiac and just did pattern work. So after about an hour later, we came down. Total time in the plane today was 1.2 hours with 11 landings to bring my lifetime total to 17.5 hours and 73 landings (63 day, 10 night).

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